Event Title
Reading on the River—A Community Collaboration to Promote Early Liteacy
Hamilton Hall 108
Session 4
Start Date
12-4-2014 9:30 AM
End Date
12-4-2014 10:30 AM
Presenters will share the success story of the development and growth of Reading on the River, a recurring community event that promotes early literacy and parent education while engaging high school students, college students, and other community members in community service. High school and college students who have participated over the years will share their insights and reflections about the event. Participants will leave with ideas and resources for individualizing, replicating, and extending the ideas presented. Hand-outs will be given that outline steps to be taken, committees needed, marketing strategies, and funding opportunities that will allow participants to replicate the idea in their own communities while taking the individual needs and resources of their community into consideration. A question and answer session will follow.
Reading on the River—A Community Collaboration to Promote Early Liteacy
Hamilton Hall 108
Presenters will share the success story of the development and growth of Reading on the River, a recurring community event that promotes early literacy and parent education while engaging high school students, college students, and other community members in community service. High school and college students who have participated over the years will share their insights and reflections about the event. Participants will leave with ideas and resources for individualizing, replicating, and extending the ideas presented. Hand-outs will be given that outline steps to be taken, committees needed, marketing strategies, and funding opportunities that will allow participants to replicate the idea in their own communities while taking the individual needs and resources of their community into consideration. A question and answer session will follow.