Event Title
Prometheus Radio Project vs FCC: A Legal Analysis of Conglomerate Ownership of Radio Broadcasting
Faculty Mentor
Joe Mirando
Hamilton Hall 223
Session 1
Start Date
12-4-2014 1:45 PM
End Date
12-4-2014 2:45 PM
The FCC’s strict control over radio broadcasting has faced increased scrutiny since the popularization of the Internet. This presentation examines Prometheus Radio Project vs. FCC in an effort to analyze the hazard of media conglomeration in comparison with the freedom of expression that deregulation advocates propose. A review of history, law journal articles, court arguments and public records reveals that an increase in media availability has not yet resulted in a marked growth of media diversity. Therefore, constitutional liberty warrants that equal opportunity in radio broadcasting should receive continued FCC protection until justifications for further deregulation receive adequate substantiation.
Prometheus Radio Project vs FCC: A Legal Analysis of Conglomerate Ownership of Radio Broadcasting
Hamilton Hall 223
The FCC’s strict control over radio broadcasting has faced increased scrutiny since the popularization of the Internet. This presentation examines Prometheus Radio Project vs. FCC in an effort to analyze the hazard of media conglomeration in comparison with the freedom of expression that deregulation advocates propose. A review of history, law journal articles, court arguments and public records reveals that an increase in media availability has not yet resulted in a marked growth of media diversity. Therefore, constitutional liberty warrants that equal opportunity in radio broadcasting should receive continued FCC protection until justifications for further deregulation receive adequate substantiation.