Date of Award

Fall 2018

Thesis Date


Degree Type

Honors Thesis-Unrestricted

Degree Name



Curriculum and Instruction

Degree Program

Secondary Education – Grades 6-12


Cynthia Ybos


For most of the twentieth and all the twenty-first century, there has been a great debate over educational reform for teaching mathematics. From these debates have come a critical look at how to properly instruct students so they can actively learn in the classroom, yet still retain the information for use in their later life. These questions are rooted in the larger debate between philosophical and psychological dimensions of human growth and development. Some educators, therefore, believe structuring their instruction around some philosophies such as idealism, realism, pragmatism, or existentialism was the key to success for their students. Others took the psychological approach and featured behaviorist or cognitive ideas in their teaching. Most feel that the approaches to psychology reflect these philosophical and psychological theories. These positions have resulted in the emergence of specific suggested teaching strategies that each proponent believes provide the solutions to the dilemma of how to best educate today’s students. This study examines what effect two different instructional strategies have on student acquisition of mathematical concepts and procedures.


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