Date of Award


Thesis Date


Degree Type

Honors Thesis-Restricted

Degree Name



Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Degree Program

Communication Arts


Erik Hansen


The thesis is a ten-page analysis on two films, Fatal Attraction and Lakeview Terrace. The thesis begins with a brief introduction to the horror genre and its subgenre in which the two films and original screenplay are categorized, psychological horror. It covers all the important elements of a film and screenplay: conflict, arc, goal, structure and plot. The thesis also consists of feminists’ reactions to Fatal Attraction, and examines whether the original 60- page screenplay helps or worsens the image of women. The screenplay also raises the question if having the villains need to be insane to prove a point. Further in the thesis is a description of the original screenplay Crimes of Passion and its main characters Jennifer, Alex and Keith. Jennifer, the heroine, becomes the target of scorned lover and police officer Keith. Alex, Keith’s rival, must protect Jennifer. The analysis ends with the restated questions the audience must have in mind and answer while reading the screenplay.


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