Date of Award


Thesis Date


Degree Type

Honors Thesis-Unrestricted

Degree Name




Degree Program



John R. O. Gery


My honors senior thesis, a creative project entitled Anything Else, is a collection of fourteen poems that reflects on trauma, loss, interpersonal relationships, and nature. Many of the poems are dramatic monologues, allowing me to portray a range of extreme voices, including a survivor of the bombing of Hiroshima, a U.S. veteran of the Iraq War, and murderer Perry Smith. Although I consider myself a free verse writer, preferring to work without regular meter or rhyme, one of the poems is written in iambic pentameter. In addition, I took material from the Yahoo! Answers website and composed it as a found poem, adding to the diversity of the manuscript. A number of questions are explored across the variety of speakers, themes, and forms of poems included here, often coming back to the question of whether or not there is anything else.


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