Date of Award


Thesis Date


Degree Type

Honors Thesis-Unrestricted

Degree Name



Computer Science

Degree Program

Computer Science


Mahdi Abdelguerfi


The purpose of this research was to master several unfamiliar concepts and bring them together in one cohesive project. DroidCDF is an application for the Android operating system to create, write data to, and read data from netCDF format files. DroidCDF uses Unidata’s NetCDF Java Library and can write files in netCDF-3 format but read from any netCDF format files. As mobile devices become more powerful and commonplace, DroidCDF provides a convenient tool for researchers. An incremental methodology was applied; the application was built from a rough workflow to eventually a robust and fully functional program. The produced files are fully portable and can be used as the input for other applications. The application has been tested with several large netCDF files with varying conventions and has handled each one remarkably well. Upon submission of this thesis, DroidCDF will be released onto the open market.


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