Ocean Waves Workshop 2011

The Ocean Waves Workshop brought together scientists, engineers and managers to present results and ideas related to the use of wave buoys, models and information to support at-sea operations. Sponsors for the workshop included the University of New Orleans, Marine Information Resources Corporation and AXYS Technologies, Inc.

Suggested citation:
Nichols, C. R. and R. G. Williams (Eds.). 2011. Proceedings of Ocean Waves Workshop. New Orleans, LA: University of New Orleans. Available online. URL: http://scholarworks.uno.edu/oceanwaves/2011/


List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Dedicaton – Theodore Mettlach Scholarship

Browse the contents of Ocean Waves Workshop 2011:

Session 1 - Use of wave measurements to support operations, as well as alternative energy
The following presentation and extended abstracts relate to the use of wave measurements to cope with a range of issues from coastal erosion and climate change to marine spill response and flooding.
Session 2 - ─ Development of wave modeling framework to protect life and save property
The following presentation, paper, and extended abstracts relate to the use of wave models to support optimal ship tracking, glider operations, marine spill response, and numerous other applications.
Session 3 ─ Recent advances and issues in wave buoy technologies
The session's presentation, papers and extended abstracts provide information on the latest mooring components and devices such as acoustic Doppler current profilers which complement wave buoys.
Session 4 ─ Accessibility of wave information for scientists, engineers, and managers
The following presentation and extended abstract relate to data quality control and the increasing demand for reliable information on wave conditions, particularly at coastal sites, worldwide.