Event Title
Understanding and Modeling Risk and Resilience in Complex Coastal Systems (final workshop report)
On October 29 & 30, 2014 SURA hosted an interdisciplinary workshop on the subject, Understanding and Modeling Risk and Resilience in Complex Coastal Systems, as a prelude to a new SURA-led community science initiative integrating social and natural science. The goals were to identify the most critical issues in assessing future risks, vulnerabilities and resilience of complex coastal systems.
Understanding and Modeling Risk and Resilience in Complex Coastal Systems (final workshop report)
On October 29 & 30, 2014 SURA hosted an interdisciplinary workshop on the subject, Understanding and Modeling Risk and Resilience in Complex Coastal Systems, as a prelude to a new SURA-led community science initiative integrating social and natural science. The goals were to identify the most critical issues in assessing future risks, vulnerabilities and resilience of complex coastal systems.