Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Tu, Shengru

Second Advisor

Depano, Adlai N

Third Advisor

Richard III, Golden G


We have developed a framework to support development of ontology based Web applications. This framework is composed of a tree-view browser, an attribute selector, the ontology persistence module, an ontology query module, and a utility class that allows the users, to plug-in their own customized functions. The framework supports SPARQL-DL query language. The purpose of this framework is to shield the complexity of ontology from the users and thereby ease the development of ontology based Web applications. Having high quality ontology and using this framework, the end-users can develop Web applications in many domains. For example, a professor can create highly customized study guides; a domain expert can generate the Web forms for data collections; a geologist can create a Google Maps mashup. We have also reported three ontology-based Web applications in education, meteorology and geographic information system.


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