Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Alsamman, Abdulrahman

Second Advisor

Charalampidis, Dimitrios

Third Advisor

Jovanovich, Kim


We propose and demonstrate the superiority of using a phase SLM only in a multi-reference phase encoded joint transform correlator(JTC) compared to an ordinary JTC. Maximal length sequences are shifted to form two dimensional orthogonal arrays referred as m-arrays. The phase mask is used in one step to encode multiple reference images and at the same time eliminate false correlation peaks through power spectrum dispersion. A theoretical model of the implemented JTC is mathematically expressed and explained in this thesis. Basic performance criteria, PSR (peak to side lobe ratio) and PCE (peak to correlation energy), are used for comparative analysis, and their relationship to joint input image size and SLM size are investigated and the results simulated.


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