Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


College of Urban and Public Affairs

Major Professor

Thayer, Ralph

Second Advisor

Miestchovitch, Ivan

Third Advisor

Brooks, Jane


This thesis focuses on the impact of a mega-store on the existing businesses in a specific area--Magazine Street in New Orleans. The potential mega-store is a 200,000 square foot Wal-Mart Supercenter that is part of the retail component of the St. Thomas housing re-development. The focus of this project is the retail competition that might be generated by this mega-store. Businesses were studied and placed into categories as either direct or indirect competitors to the mega-store. Previous research identified certain categories of store types that could be impacted (either positively or negatively) by the location of national stores in their communities. These categories were used to determine the impact that Wal-Mart might have on businesses on Magazine Street. Business owners were surveyed to determine how they thought they would be impacted. In the opinions of the business owners, the overall impact that a Wal-Mart would have on Magazine Street businesses would be negative. The surveys do show, however, mixed attitudes among the Magazine Street business owners toward Wal-Mart's coming.


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