Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Tu, Shengru

Second Advisor

Deng, Jing

Third Advisor

Depano, Adlai


The amount of information available to a person is growing day by day; hence retrieving the correct information in a timely manner plays a very important role. This thesis talks about indexing document collections and fetching the right information with the help of a database. The primary role of a database is to store the additional information which may be or may not be available in the document collection by itself. The indexing of document collection is performed by Lucene, while the search application is strongly integrated with a database. In this thesis a highly efficient, scalable, customized search tool is built using Lucene. The search tool is capable of indexing and searching databases, PDF documents, word documents and text files.


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