Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Wang, Ting

Second Advisor

Guillot, Martin

Third Advisor

Herrington, Paul


Calcined coke is the best material for making carbon anodes for smelting of alumina to aluminum. Calcining is an energy intensive industry and a significant amount of heat is wasted in the calcining process. Efficiently managing this energy resource is tied to the profit margin and survivability of a calcining plant. 3-D computational models are developed using FLUENT to simulate the calcining process inside the long slender kiln. Simplified models are employed to simulate the moving petocke bed with a uniform distribution of moisture evaporation, devolatilization, and coke fines entrainment rate with a conjugate radiation-convection-conduction calculation. The results show the 3-D behavior of the flow, the reaction inside the kiln, heat transfer and the effect of the tertiary air on coke bed heat transfer. The ultimate goals are to reduce energy consumption, recover waste-heat, increase thermal efficiency, and increase the product yield.


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