Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Romance Languages - Spanish


Foreign Languages

Major Professor

Mondada, Joke

Second Advisor

Garcia Castellon, Manuel

Third Advisor

Artigas, Maria del Carmen


In Chilean Spanish, second-person address is non-uniform in that the vos competes with the conventional tuteo and a third, mixed form has emerged. To add to this complexity, the form speakers choose has been shown to correspond to socioeconomic strata. Upper classes use tú, lower classes use vos, and young, middle class speakers choose the mixed form in which the verb is conjugated according to the voseo and is used with the pronoun tú. The causes and effects of this second-person schism in Chile are explored here, as well as the resulting sociolinguistic issues and consequences. In a study of printed media, television and interviewed informants, an attempt is made to confirm and validate the complexity of address in Chilean Spanish and determine the degree of the mixed voseo‟s pervasion into the mainstream.


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