Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Curriculum & Instruction


Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

McHugh, P. Sheehan

Second Advisor

Austin, Patricia

Third Advisor

Kieff, Judith

Fourth Advisor

Paradise, Louis V.


This study utilized a causal-comparative design to investigate a relationship between the independent variable, National Board certification, and the dependent variable, perceived use of developmentally appropriate practices (DAP). A self-developed survey, the Early-childhood Teacher Inventory of Practices (E-TIP), was emailed to participants to collect data comparing differences in perceived use of DAP among early childhood teachers. Two hundred and forty-six Non-National Board certified (Non-NBCT) and 135 National Board certified (NBCT) early childhood teachers were surveyed. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze scores to determine if there was a difference in the mean scores. Descriptives were reported for age, years of teaching experience, grade level currently teaching, ethnicity, degree type, certification type, and degree level. Multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) and univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to understand the differences between perceived use of DAP. NBCTs scored significantly higher than Non-NBCTs on the E-TIP in three of the four target areas and on the Total of the Scale. Pearson product-moment corelations were used to determine a relationship between years of experience or level of education and NBCTs' perceived use of DAP. Years of experience were significantly related, but level of education was not. The findings indicate that National Board certified teachers perceive they incorporate more developmentally appropriate practices into their teaching than Non-National Board certified teachers.


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