Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor


Second Advisor

Brown, Nikki

Third Advisor

Mokhiber, James


Latin Americans immigrating to New Orleans during the Jim Crow period found New Orleans to be a place where they could assimilate. Several factors produced a tolerant climate for Latin Americans. These included New Orleanians' tolerant attitude, which was possible since Latin Americans arrived in small numbers and different waves. Latinos also helped develop trade with Latin America. Also, unlike other areas in the country, immigrants that came to New Orleans came from all over Central and South America. They were a highly skilled group and acted as cultural and power brokers between Latin America and the city. In spite of the variety of racial mixtures, Latinos in New Orleans could claim social and legal whiteness. A pattern of immigration is revealed: small numbers, economic, cultural and educational diversity, a desire to assimilate rather than segregate, and social and economical mobility.


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