Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

O'Connell, Martin T.

Second Advisor

Georgiou, Ioannis

Third Advisor

Thomas, Glenn


Bayou St. John is a degraded water-body located within the City of New Orleans and is the focus of restoration efforts. I tested the ability of reintroduced red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) to survive in this system and assessed their habitat use and behavior. I tracked 29 red drum fitted with external acoustic radio transmitters to determine if they could survive the degraded habitats and determine their general dispersion within the Bayou. All 29 tagged red drum exhibited post-stocking movement (i.e., survival) and occurred primarily in the northern section of the Bayou (nearest Lake Pontchartrain). To assess habitat use and behavior on a finer scale, a second group of 19 red drum were internally tagged with VEMCO transmitters and movements monitored by four remote receivers. These fish exhibited behavior similar to red drum in natural habitats. Monthly movements changed as temperatures changed but were not influenced by diurnal differences, salinity, or conductivity.


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