Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Wang, Ting

Second Advisor

Akyuzlu, Kazim M.

Third Advisor

Guillot, Martin J.


Reverse-flow combustors have been used in heavy land-based gas turbines for many decades. A sheath is typically installed to provide cooling at an expense of large pressure losses, through small jet impingement cooling and strong forced convention channel flow. With the modern advancement in metallurgy and thermal-barrier coating technologies, it may become possible to remove this sheath to recover the pressure losses without melting the combustor chamber. However, without the sheath, the flow inside the dump diffuser may exert nonuniform cooling on the combustion chamber. Therefore, the objective of this project is to investigate the flow pattern, pressure drop, and heat transfer in the dump-diffuser reverse-flow combustor with and without sheath to determine if the sheath could be removed. The investigation was conducted through both experimental and computational simulation. The results show that 3.3% pressure losses could be recovered and the highest wall temperature will increase 18% without the sheath.


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