Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Taylor, Christopher

Second Advisor

Summa, Christopher

Third Advisor

Winters-Hilt, Stephen


RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) has become one of the most widely used techniques to interrogate the transcriptome of an organism since the advent of next generation sequencing technologies [1]. A plethora of tools have been developed to analyze and visualize the transcriptome data from RNA-Seq experiments, solving the problem of mapping reads back to the host organism's genome [2] [3]. This allows for analysis of most reads produced by the experiments, but these tools typically discard reads that do not match well with the reference genome. This additional information could reveal important insight into the experiment and possible contributing factors to the condition under consideration. We introduce PARSES, a pipeline constructed from existing sequence analysis tools, which allows the user to interrogate RNA-Sequencing experiments for possible biological contamination or the presence of exogenous sequences that may shed light on other factors influencing an organism's condition.


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