Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Hayes, Cheryl

Second Advisor

Saucedo, Christopher

Third Advisor

Jenkens, Lawrence


My art consists of the repetition of patterns, shapes, numbers, text, and found objects that communicate concepts in language, science, and math as art. My work addresses aesthetic and formal aspects of the art itself and embraces the process and experience of creating. I use repetition of lines and shapes to create a complex mass of infinite amounts of shapes, which create what I regard as a peaceful gathering of energy. These patterns can be freely interpreted as the co-dependency between everything in existence, which contributes to the changing balance of life. Similar to my patterns, my sculptures fuse several layers of found objects to form a larger structure with the intention of creating a new meaning and life of those objects. The wide variety of subject matter in my artwork stems from a continuous and honest investigation into our constantly changing world.


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