Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Steven, Edwin D.

Second Advisor

Dowd, Michael K.

Third Advisor

Mobley, David L.

Fourth Advisor

Rick, Steven C.

Fifth Advisor

Poudeu, Pierre F.P.


6,6’-Dimethoxygossypol (DMG) is a natural product of the cotton variety Gossypium barbadense and a derivative of gossypol. Gossypol has been shown to form an abundant number of clathrates with a large variety of compounds. One of the primary reasons why gossypol can form clathrates has been because of its ability to from extensive hydrogen bonding networks due to its hydroxyl and aldehyde functional groups. Prior to this work, the only known solvate that DMG formed was with acetic acid. DMG has methoxy groups substituted at two hydroxyl positions, and consequently there is a decrease in its ability to form hydrogen bonds. Crystallization experiments were set up to see whether, like gossypol, DMG could form clathrates. The following results presented prove that DMG is capable of forming clathrates (S1 and S2) and two new polymorphs (P1 and P2) of DMG have been reported.


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