Date of Award

Fall 12-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Parviz Rastgoufard, Ph.D.


The purpose of this investigation is to identify appropriate location of capacitor banks and sources of reactive power by studying power system stability in the vicinity of system equilibrium states. The locations for reactive power sources are determined by identifying those modes of the system that participate most in the system behavior in general and in dictating the final state of the system after experiencing faults or disturbances. To identify the relevant modes of the system that participate most in the system dynamic, we shall make use of modal and participation analysis for different system conditions. We also apply modal and participation analysis to a system in order to identify the components of greatest impact that result in the most efficient system control. The ideas developed in this study are used to analyze and identify weak boundaries of the IEEE 39- Bus system that contribute to the system’s instability.


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