Date of Award

Fall 12-2011

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing



Major Professor

James Winter

Second Advisor

Stephen Bogart

Third Advisor

Bill Lavender


This play is a comedy which revolves around the importance of a French Chair (Louis Xiii) in the life of a family. A young newlywed woman discovers that her husband has a "secret" half sister born out of wedlock. Her mother-in-law has had an affair with a French man, but her husband always believed she had been abused. The young lady senses something is not clear and decides to look for her "half" sister-in-law. She does and manages to organize a get-together to bring everyone in the same place and finally understand what really happened. Eventually, her mother-in-law, now a widower, falls in love again with her ex-lover and they decide to marry. The French Chair was a reason of fights in the young couple and with the mother-in-law. But at the end we learn that young lady's half sister-in-law was conceived on this chair.


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