Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Dongxiao Zhu

Second Advisor

Jaime Nino

Third Advisor

Christopher Taylor


The goal of this thesis research was to develop software to be used with RNA-Seq data for transcriptome quantification that was capable of handling multireads and quantifying isoforms on a more global level. Current software available for these purposes uses various forms of parameter alteration in order to work with multireads. Many still analyze isoforms per gene or per researcher determined clusters as well. By doing so, the effects of multireads are diminished or possibly wrongly represented. To address this issue, two programs, GWIE and ChromIE, were developed based on a simple iterative EM-like algorithm with no parameter manipulation. These programs are used to produce accurate isoform expression levels.


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