Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Major Professor

Bill Lavender

Second Advisor

Katherine Oldmixon

Third Advisor

Carolyn A Hembree


The “I” speaks in each of the poems presented; but whose I? The collection explores the use of personae, and gives voice to “the other” I’s/las otras, women who came before us and those who walk among us. Sometimes in English, sometimes in Spanish, sometimes the voices cross between languages. Written primarily in free verse, the poems are ordered to allow the mingling of languages from the speakers on the page. Through other eyes, some of the characters revive the past, speak from the grave. They provide a glimpse into what lies beyond the “I.” We hear the women, their advice, their reflections, their stories. In taking on the different personae, the poet relinquishes her voice. However, some I’s leave us guessing as to who is speaking, and how much has the poet intertwined of her own voice.


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Included in

Poetry Commons
