Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

M. Royhan Gani

Second Advisor

Nahid Gani

Third Advisor

Mark Kulp


Facies and stratigraphic architecture right at the transition from marine to non-marine environments is poorly documented. In the Cretaceous outcrops of Utah, Star Point and Blackhawk Formations are well studied. The nature of spatio-temporal transition of these two Formations, in the deposition-strike orientation, remains undocumented. This study characterizes facies and stratigraphic complexity at the transition of the two Formations that crop out in depositional-strike orientation in the Wasatch Plateau. Data from outcrop including photomosiacs and measured sections demonstrate this complexity at a range of scales. The Star Point constitutes a shoreface environment. The Blackhawk constitutes a coastal-fluvial environment.

In the northern part of study area, the transition from marine to continental strata is expressed by intertonguing succession. The dip-oriented outcrops show pinch-outs of two parasequences into coastal-plain deposits. This complexity decreases southward, the southern outcrops show a simple transition. At least two sequence boundaries are correlated across the outcrop belt.


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