Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Drama and Communications


Drama and Communications

Major Professor

Katrovas, Richard

Second Advisor

Macari, Anne Marie

Third Advisor

Lavender, William


In the Dead Season is a manuscript of poetry that explores, through family narrative, the tensions between ignorance and truth, between honor and mendacity, between violation and veneration, between love and loss, between grief and transcendence. Set in rural Texas, the poems in this collection describe a harsh and unforgiving landscape seen largely, though not exclusively, through the eyes of a central child narrator. Rattlesnakes, tarantulas, drought, flood, birth, death, the poems present everyday occurrences and suggest that we often experience events before we have the context, knowledge, or emotional maturity to make sense of them in any reasonable manner. This discontinuity leaves gaps in understanding that we fill with mythologies of our own making, mythologies that both masquerade as innocence and lead us too early to toxic truths. In a world where death is commonplace, true wonder is found in surprising places.


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