Date of Award

Summer 8-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Enrique La Motta

Second Advisor

Bhaskar Kura

Third Advisor

John McCorquodale


Wastewater treatment is essential to protecting the environment and human welfare. Although chlorination is widely used, the environmental and health concerns associated with chlorine are growing. Treatment facilities are implementing alternative technologies, though the cost and efficiency associated with these practices leave much room in the wastewater field for innovation.

Hydropath Technologies Limited introduced a piece of equipment that uses the properties of a transformer to pass an alternating electric current through the pipe and into the contents of the channel. Hydroflow claims that the charged microorganisms react with the oppositely charged water molecule to force osmosis and kill the cell. Disinfection capabilities of three Hydroflow models with varying voltages are tested using municipal wastewater from the secondary clarifier using Escherichia coli concentration as the unit for quantification. After testing the results surrounding theses experiments cannot support the hypothesis that the Hydroflow technology could replace chlorination for municipal wastewater disinfection.


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