Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


College of Urban and Public Affairs

Major Professor

Ralph E. Thayer

Second Advisor

John K. Wildgen

Third Advisor

Fritz Wagner

Fourth Advisor

Earl J. Hedrick


The purpose of this thesis is to provide a clear and cohesive plan to assist the City of New Orleans in rehabilitating historic homes and neighborhoods. One of the main attractions for visitors to New Orleans is the charm of its architecture. A larger portion of the architecture is in disrepair. Most of the neighborhoods that are suffering from blight are homes in low-income communities. These families have little help in maintaining these historic structures because of the increased costs.

The administration of Mayor Marc Morial has decided that revitalizing the City's neighborhoods is of primary concern. This administration has developed a plan to help all residents of New Orleans by eliminating the blight. Each administration before this has attempted to develop a plan to meet this objective. All of these attempts have fallen short of meeting its goal.

The only way to successfully address the housing environment in any urban setting is through partnerships. Resources have become scarce at all levels of government. The private sector cannot shoulder the entire responsibility of providing for everyone's housing needs. Thus the clear answer is the creation of partnerships between the public and private sectors.

Chapter One introduces the scope and methodology of this thesis. In Chapter Two, the current housing environment is assessed. Housing studies conducted over the past decade are reviewed. Programs to assist families in securing decent and affordable housing are examined. The federal, state, local and non-profit programs are defined in this chapter. Chapter Three outlines a strategic plan to provide the framework to help revitalize blighted neighborhoods and increase home ownership. Home ownership is an important component for the partnership to utilize. This chapter defines the roles each entity needs to play in the partnership created. Examples of two successful programs are outlined.

Partnerships are the primary vehicle for cities and towns to provide resources that neither the public nor private sectors can shoulder alone. Whether it is a literacy program, feeding th homeless or providing affordable housing, partnerships can help each of these issues. The expertise of each partner and their resources can benefit the entire community.


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