Date of Award

Fall 12-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Shengru Tu


Web mashup is a lightweight technology used to integrate data from remote sources without direct access to their databases. As a data consumer, a Web mashup application creates new contents by retrieving data through the Web application programming interface (API) provided by the external sources. As a data provider, the service program publishes its Web API and implements the specified functions.

In the project reported by this thesis, we have implemented two Web mashup applications to enhance the Web site the Perkinsus marinus model and the Oil Spill model. Each model overlay geospatial data from a local database on top of a coastal map from Google Maps. In addition, we have designed a Web-based data publishing service. In this experimental system, we illustrated a successful Web mashup interface that allows outside developers to access the data about the local oyster stock assessment.


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