Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Geology and Geophysics

Major Professor

Serpa, Laura

Second Advisor

Ioup, Juliette

Third Advisor

Pavlis, Terry


The principal goal of this research is to clarify the structure and tectonic setting of the Southern Alaska and, specifically, the offshore area close to Kayak Island. Seismic reflection data collected in 1976 in the offshore region of Kayak Island in the Gulf of Alaska were reprocessed in order to improve the quality of the signal by applying seismic data processing techniques that were not available at the time in which the data were obtained. The processed data were then interpreted, focusing on identifying patterns that indicate the direction, as well as the intensity of deformation. The deformation pattern observed in this research suggests that the major deformation of the region is located at the northwest side of Kayak Island.


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