Date of Award

Spring 5-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Dong, Pingsha

Second Advisor

Birk, Lothar

Third Advisor

Taravella, Brandon


In this study, ABS Publication 115, “Guidance on Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures” is briefly reviewed. Emphasis is on the S-N curves based fatigue assessment approach of non-tubular joints, and both size and environment effects are also considered. Further, fatigue tests are performed to study the fatigue strength of load-carrying and non-load-carrying steel cruciform joints that represent typical joint types in marine structures. The experimental results are then compared against ABS fatigue assessment methods, based on nominal stress approach, which demonstrates a need for better fatigue evaluation parameter. A good fatigue parameter by definition should be consistent and should correlate the S-N data well. The equivalent structural stress parameter is introduced to investigate the fatigue behavior of welded joints using the traction based structural stress approach on finite element models of specimens, and representing the data as a single Master S-N curve.


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