Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Morris, Amanda

Second Advisor

Williams-Brewer, Mary

Third Advisor

Silverthorn, Persephonie


This study explored the effects of parental false perceptions of their children's temperament on their subsequent school behavior problems. Participants were parents and teachers of 97 kindergarten children in an urban southern community. Both parents and teachers completed questionnaires on children's temperament, while teachers reported on children's school behaviors. Results indicate that both parent and teacher report of child temperament is related to school behavior problems, however, when parental ratings are more favorable than teacher ratings, this favorability is related to more internalizing and externalizing behaviors in school. In addition, parents rated their children higher on negative emotions, while parents and teachers rated similarly on effortful control. Furthermore, parent ratings of children's negative emotions were predictive of behavior problems above and beyond teacher's report. Findings highlight the relation of parental perceptions to children's school behavior problems and the utility of parent-teacher collaboration in improving children's school adjustment.


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