Date of Award

Summer 8-2013

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Daniel Doll, PhD

Second Advisor

Carl D. Malmgren, PhD

Third Advisor

Peter A. Schock, PhD


In the tradition of academic satire, Lady Lazarus is the fictional biography of the daughter of American rock musicians. In her late teens she rises to fame as confessional poet, who, despite only publishing one collection of poems during her brief life, becomes an overnight sensation. Author Andrew Altschul is satirizing academia’s need to be a part of popular culture and in doing so, privileges the ability to use controversy and conventional beauty to sell books as opposed to creating quality art. By focusing on how the author uses Hans Robert Jauss’ horizons of expectations, unreliable narrators, anecdotes in biography and the economics of fame as a deciding factor in academia, the author has created a dense and punitive opinion of academia’s inclusion of popular culture into its world.


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