Date of Award

Spring 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Lothar Birk

Second Advisor

Dr. Chris B. McKesson

Third Advisor

Dr. Nikolas I. Xiros


Since the offshore drilling for oil and gas is venturing into ever greater water depths, drilling risers face problems of vortex-induced vibrations due to the currents. Vortexinduced vibrations are a major fluid load and fatigue component on the long, smooth, and slender bodies placed in a fluid flow and measures must be taken to suppress the shedding of the Karman vortex sheets from its edges. One of the ways to reduce the vibration is to use marine fairings which are attached to the drilling risers with the help of weather vanes. In this thesis, CFD analysis based on solving RANS equations for K-w turbulence model at Reynolds number 10,000 is done for a regular cylinder and one with marine fairing attached. The motivation of such analysis is to compute the efficiency of the fairing arrangement in suppressing the vortex-induced vibrations of the corresponding bluff body.


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