Date of Award

Fall 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Richard, Jim

Second Advisor

Rebecca Reynolds

Third Advisor

Aaron McNamee

Fourth Advisor

Kathy Rodriguez


My art explores my attraction and repulsion to a commodity driven society. Paint Thing and Saint Thing are characters that I created to push my boundaries as a painter and question my process within painting. Working through my agitation, feeling of loss and confusion, I find that two parts need to be present: a belief in the process and the fear of it coming undone.

I use painting, sculpture and video to question the materiality of canvas and paint. I incorporate plastic objects, glittery materials, and things that have ephemeral qualities. I am attracted to synthetic forms and objects when arranging them in my compositions. In my work I look closely at the social constructs and systems that bind us to the commodity driven market. I feel if we are to understand our current conditions, we must also include the impact and importance of things in our material world.


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