Date of Award

Spring 5-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Abu Kabir Mostofa Sarwar

Second Advisor

Dr. Royhan Gani

Third Advisor

Dr. Mark Kulp


The western portion of the Mississippi/Atwater fold belt in the Gulf of Mexico contains what is known as The Green Knoll Salt Dome. The creation and growth of this salt diapir is punctuated by salt deposition, salt migration, sediment loading, and is linked to the “Frampton” fold belt. An indicator of these growth periods is exhibited in an angular unconformity (halo-kinetic sequence boundary) that flanks the diapir. This unconformity developed during the Miocene-Pliocene chronostratigraphic boundary. The “Redwood” (Green Canyon 1001) prospect was drilled after the discovery of middle Miocene sands containing hydrocarbons in the Mad Dog field (GC 826). The objective Miocene sand in the “Redwood” borehole was thin due to this angular unconformity causing the sand to pinch out. An evaluation of seismic and well log data provided by Bureau of Ocean Energy Management indicated that the unconformity might not provide the seal needed to trap hydrocarbons on the flank of the salt dome, or it did not allow enough sand to be deposited. A palinspastic structural restoration of the Green Knoll Salt Dome revealed that the growth of the Green Knoll and Frampton are connected. It is still possible that if a well were to be drilled further down dip from where The “Redwood” prospect was drilled, one may find a potential hydrocarbon reservoir.


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