Date of Award

Summer 8-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Mark L. Trudell

Second Advisor

Branko Jursic

Third Advisor

Steven Rick

Fourth Advisor

Dhruva Chakravorty


The focus of these studies was directed towards the synthesis of novel N-heterocyclic compounds and pharmacological evaluation of these compounds for activity at monoamine transporters. A series of novel piperidine and pyrrolidine analogues were prepared from commercially available starting material with a three and four step synthetic method, respectively. A variety of substituents on the aromatic ring were incorporated to achieve a diverse library of compounds. The preliminary binding studies of piperidine molecules showed strong affinity towards serotonin transporters and moderate affinity towards dopamine transporters. The focus of further studies was directed towards utilization of iridium catalysis for the development of new synthetic methods for biologically important molecules. This research has led to the development of a new synthetic strategy for the construction of nicotine and its analogues. In addition, the iridium catalysis was also used for alkylation of amides with primary and secondary alcohols under microwave conditions.


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