Date of Award

Summer 8-2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Vassil Roussev

Second Advisor

Germana Peggion

Third Advisor

Adlai DePano

Fourth Advisor

Charlie Barron


A robust evaluation toolset has been designed for Naval Research Laboratory’s Real-Time Ocean Forecasting System RELO with the purpose of facilitating an adaptive sampling strategy and providing a more educated guidance for routing underwater gliders. The major challenges are to integrate into the existing operational system, and provide a bridge between the modeling and operative environments. Visualization is the selected approach and the developed software is divided into 3 packages: The first package is to verify that the glider is actually following the waypoints and to predict the position of the glider for the next cycle’s instructions. The second package helps ensures that the delivered waypoints are both useful and feasible. The third package provides the confidence levels for the suggested path. This software’s implementation is in Python for portability and modularity to allow for easy expansion for new visuals.


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