Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Tu, Shengru

Second Advisor

DePano, Adlai

Third Advisor

Chiu, Mong-Hsing


Regression testing is essential to ensure software quality. Regression Test-case selection is another process wherein, the testers would like to ensure that test-cases which are obsolete due to the changes in the system should not be considered for further testing. This is the Regression Test-case Selection problem. Although existing research has addressed many related problems, most of the existing regression test-case selection techniques cater to procedural systems. Being academic, they lack the scalability and detail to cater to multi-tier applications. Such techniques can be employed for procedural systems, usually mathematical applications. Enterprise applications have become complex and distributed leading to component-based architectures. Thus, inter-process communication has become a very important activity of any such system. Messaging is the most widely employed intermodule interaction mechanism. Today's systems, being heavily internet dependent, are Web-Services based which utilize XML for messaging. We propose an RTS technique which is specifically targeted at enterprise applications.


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