Date of Award

Fall 2014

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Laura Medina

Second Advisor

Henry Griffin

Third Advisor

Erik Hansen


This paper will cover the making of my thesis film Rachel’s Madcap Theater. I will break down all of the interdisciplinary aspects and collaborations with other artists that formed the final film: screenwriting, production design, directing, cinematography, sound, music, and special effects. For each of these categories, when appropriate, I will compare and contrast the changes made during the main stages of filmmaking: pre-production (all decisions made before shooting begins), production (all decisions made while shooting the movie), and post-production (all decisions made after shooting ends). I will then provide self-analysis of my process in order to judge both the ultimate success of my thesis film (did I make the film that I originally intended to make?) and the strengths and weaknesses of my personal abilities.


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