Date of Award

Spring 5-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Applied Physics



Major Professor

Dr. Kevin Stokes

Second Advisor

Dr. Leszek Malkinski

Third Advisor

Dr. Juliette Ioup


In this thesis the spark plasma sintering process (SPS) was used to press Mg2Si powder with Ni and Cu slices into alternating layer stacks. These stacks, once cut at an angle, are an artificially anisotropic material. This anisotropy provides transverse thermoelectric properties to the sample. The transverse transport properties were measured along with the individual component transport properties. The SPS process provided malleable samples that gave a power factors of for the Ni/Mg2Si stack and for the Cu/Mg2Si stack. These fall short of the theoretical calculations which would give the power factors as .0254 for the Ni/Mg2Si stack and .211 for the Cu/Mg2Si stack. It is theorized that eddy currents and interface resistances between the layers are the causes for these discrepancies.


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