Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Computer Science
Computer Science
Major Professor
Richard, Golden
Second Advisor
Chiu, Ming-Hsing
Third Advisor
Chen, Yixin
This thesis is motivated by development of The Wearable Personal Data Information Capture System (WPDICS), which is used to support the "physical" data stream requirement on a person as they experience daily life, including visual and audio information. To fit the acquirement of "wearable", the system should be very tiny in size and very low cost. Our purpose is to conduct a feasibility analysis for WPDICS using commercially available components (Sharp Zaurus SL 5600 Linux PDA) and evaluate the acquisition of "physical" data streams grabbed by this component. In the thesis, we also develop some software test the data acquisition, especially audio and visual data.
Recommended Citation
Shi, Jiangpeng, "Wearable Personal Data Information Capture System" (2004). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 197.
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