Date of Award

Spring 5-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

John Hampton Overton

Second Advisor

Erik Hanson

Third Advisor

David Hoover


With The Cuddle Club, I intended to make a film that sought to examine intimacy as it relates to the extremes; in the film I subvert expectations of intimacy to make the audience reconsider why we draw our physical boundaries where we do. And while everybody may need a little cuddle every now and then, men have no right to touch women without their express permission.

This paper will be an examination of the story behind the story. Of my thoughts on the process of creating my thesis film The Cuddle Club as it pertains to the screenwriting, preproduction, production and postproduction process. There will be a step-by-step analysis of the plot, as well as an introduction explaining how The Cuddle Club came to be. The Appendix will include all of the documents created during the preproduction process.


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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


A copy of the thesis film is housed in the UNO Library.
