Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

La Motta, Enrique

Second Advisor

McCorquodale, John A.

Third Advisor

Kura, Bhaskar


Anaerobic pretreatment and aerobic post-treatment of municipal wastewater is being used more frequently. Recent investigations in this field using an AFBR/aeration chamber combination demonstrated the technical feasibility of this process. The investigation presented herein describes the use of a combined UASB/aeration chamber system for the treatment of municipal wastewater and attempts to demonstrate the technical feasibility of using the UASB process as both a pretreatment unit and a waste activated sludge digestion system. The results indicate that the UASB reactor has a TSS removal efficiency of about 37%. Of the solids removed by the unit, 33% were degraded by the action of microorganisms, and 4.6% were accumulated in the reactor. The results also show that accumulation of solids in the UASB reactor took place in the upper zone of the sludge bed.


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