Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Richard, Golden

Second Advisor

Chiu, Mong-Hsing

Third Advisor

Roussev, Vesselin


The decrease in price and the ease of use of wireless network devices make them an attractive alternative to standard wired networks. However, the intrinsic insecurity of wireless media and weaknesses in the standards for use of wireless media leave wireless networks vulnerable to attacks from unauthorized users. The intrinsic insecurity of wireless media results from radio signals extending beyond the networks intended coverage area and the weaknesses in the standards result from the methods used for authorization and privacy. These insecurities restrict the use of wireless networks by entities that need a high level of security. This paper describes a Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) that provides additional security for 802.11b wireless networks. WIDS provides intrusion detection that can react to potential threats and locate an intruder through the use of intelligent access points equipped with rotating directional antennas.


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