Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

La Motta, Enrique

Second Advisor

Rincón, Guillermo

Third Advisor

Jovanovich, Kim


Research on electrochemical disinfection of municipal wastewater has been conducted at the University of New Orleans using a continuous flow electrochemical reactor connected to a direct current (DC) power supply changing its polarity and varying the electrode distance. Bacterial inactivation and chlorine production were the main parameters that were recorded.

After months of research, it was determined that the electrochemical disinfection reactor is efficient and has a great potential for the future. There is no need to use chlorine and it has low operation costs.

The following design recommendations for an electrochemical disinfection unit were given:

  • A detention time of 5 +- 0.3 minutes
  • A minimum volumetric current density of 1000 amps/m3
  • A minimum detention current density of 80

The combination of the three recommended design values yielded excellent disinfection efficiencies and low chlorine production.


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