Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Jerome Howard

Second Advisor

Dr. Susan Carr

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles Bell


This study quantifies the changes in vegetation composition and structure of a fire-excluded Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) wetland savanna restoration site in southeastern in comparison to a proximate contemporary reference site. The restoration site was invaded by hardwood species and off-site pines, and never underwent extensive soil disturbance. The restoration treatments involved logging across portions of the site and the reintroduction of fire across the entire site. All species present in 10m2 quadrats were recorded prior to treatment and throughout the 17 year study at reference and treatment sites. The community composition of both logged and unlogged sites converged over time, and became more similar to the reference site. We conclude that logging of off-site pine coupled with the reintroduction of frequent fires can be effective in restoring ground cover in remnant longleaf pine savannas withdisturbance.


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