Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Dr. Allan Millett

Second Advisor

Dr. James Mokhiber

Third Advisor

Dr. Robert Dupont


Second Lieutenant Charles Scheffel, B Company Platoon Leader, 39th Infantry Regiment, 9th Infantry Division modified existing methods of venereal disease control in Algeria, North Africa during Operation Torch after being ordered to reduce the venereal disease rate by his regimental commander, Colonel William Ritter. Tasked with defeating the Germans first, Scheffel learned other enemies lurked as well, and he instituted an illegal policy to solve the problem as fast and as effectively as possible. Official United States policy on the eve of World War Two prohibited the establishment and operation of a brothel. Scheffel operated this brothel as the United States Army occupied Arab lands for the first time in its history and improved the combat effectiveness of his regiment.


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