Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Cheryl Hayes

Second Advisor

Jim Richard

Third Advisor

Tony Campbell

Fifth Advisor

Tony Campbell


In each of my paintings I try to create an individual micro-universe made up of elements that resonate between the familiar and the unknown. I carve up space and hybridize disparate elements, in an effort to excavate objects and spaces from our collective unconscious. By employing different perspectives, I try to encourage an experiential view of the landscape, like the one that exists for the viewer in the physical world, where sightlines are constantly shifting. These landscapes become a rhythmic labyrinth to enter and travel through, wherein the viewer experiences his or her own personal associations.

In this thesis, I will explore the painted landscape in Western and Eastern traditions and discuss different types of landscapes as they relate to my paintings and my personal commentary on the landscape. I will also examine my painting process and my personal approach to fundamental elements including perspective, line, and color.


The University of New Orleans and its agents retain the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible this dissertation or thesis in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. The author retains all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis or dissertation.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons
